Julia Child once said “the best way to execute French cooking is to get good and loaded and whack the hell out of a chicken. Bon appétit.”
Well, with our original recipe, the only place anyone will get whacked is right in the tastebuds! Once you see how eazZzy it is to roast your own bird, you will make this regularly for dinners and use the extra meat for other delicious meals.
This recipe can be used with any of our seasonings so be bold and experiment!
Makes 4-6 Servings
1 6-8 lb. Whole Chicken*, thawed, rinsed, dried
2 T Your Favorite Sleepers Gourmet Seasoning
½ C Butter, unsalted & softened
1 Granny Smith Apple, quartered
1 Lemon, roll on counter to release oils then quartered
1 Onion, peeled & quartered
Preheat oven to 450º. Mix "Fowl" Seasoning w/softened butter to make paste. Loosen the skin of the bird and massage Fowl Butter Paste under and on top of skin and around the inside cavity of the bird. Be generous-don't miss a delicious spot! Make sure you have removed all organs & gizzards, then insert quartered apple, lemon and onion into the bird cavity. Truss the bird with string so it holds its shape better. Tuck in the wings to keep them from burning.
Note: If you select Herbs of Summer™ or Pure Paleo™, add fresh cracked black pepper and Rose Mountain™ sea salt or another of our gourmet salts for a kick of flavor after covering bird with butter paste.
Put chicken on a rack in an open roasting pan and place in oven. Roast for 30 minutes. Then, reduce oven temperature to 375º and continue roasting for another 1 - 1½ hours or until a meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the inner thigh registers 175º and juices run clear.
Remove from oven and lift bird tilting slightly to allow the liquids to empty into the roasting pan. (You can use these later for a delicious gravy.) Transfer the chicken to a platter and tent with foil to keep warm.
Serve with a side of fresh steamed vegetables and some spicy whipped mashies!
This is a GREAT recipe to make ahead of time, chill and then serve at a picnic!
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Latkes... known by many names including "Potato Pancakes," are a comfort food in many cultures around the world. Our recipe features fresh zucchini, and is reminiscent of the classic old-world recipe where potatoes were not readily available. Plus, it's a great way to add a healthy serving of green to your meal.